Monday, October 8, 2012

The Five Books I Searched For

The five books that I examined in the library were remarkable and gave a different perspective from my classmates. The first book that I read was Mark Twain: the Fate of Honor. The quote that was illustrated in the first sentence on page 15 says"But the Snodgrass letters confined Clemens to the igrnorant and and illiterate utterance of Snodgrass, whereas the literate Mark Twain allowed him a full range of style and expression"(Cox 15).  What Cox was able to illustrate in this quote is a kid named Clemens didn't have as much literate skills whereas Mark Twain had superb skills that allowed him to express himself in numerous ways.

            The second book that I read fascinated me pretty well. This book was unique because it was like none of the other books I read in this experiment because it was able to lure me into the world it was presenting. The book that I am talking about is The Newspapers of the First World War. This book was different from all the rest because it really wasn’t a book, rather a bunch of newspapers articles from one of the most significant wars in the United States, World War 1. The quote that I was able to find on page 15 was under the religion column and gives of what it appears to be disturbing news. "On Sunday last a gleam of hope was still visible in the universal dark: to-day the star of peace has receded far beyond the horizon, to await the decision of the great ordeal"(William 15). In this newspaper article, the quote introduces to the United States that Sunday was the last chance for hope and that peace is far from near.

            The third book I read was about a country I have yet paid attention to, Thailand. Ironically the title of the book was Thailand. The author Jones is able to give a little glipse of what the climate and temperature is like in Thailand. He says "The average temperature in Bangkok in December is 770 F (250 C), but it usually feels much hotter because of high humidity, and there are plenty of fine days in the rainy season"(Jones 15).

            The fourth book that I found dealt with today’s modern approach on museums and how technology helps them out. With today’s world technology is becoming vital in our world and with the help of technology; it gives museums a place in this world. The book that gave me this was Digital Technologies and Museum Experience.  This book was able to portray the importance of how technology benefits our learning skills and interests when we visit the library. For example, “Moreover, recent research has shown that visitors benefit from having multiple complementary interpretive resources at their disposal” (Tallon and Walker 15).

            The final book that I looked at was The Battlefields of England. This was by far one of the most interesting books I took interests when looking up the quote. In this book Lieutenant Colonel Alfred H. Burne able to depict of what the King’s life is like by giving us this imagery "The King's column followed suit, whether spontaneously, or in response to a definite order it is impossible to say, and needless to speculate” (Burne 16). England was once a very powerful nation and still is going on to this day. These figures such as the Lieutenant and the King are key factors of what keeps the legacy going and should be acknowledged.



Work Cited

Burne, Lieutenant Colonel Alfred H. The Battlefields of England. London: Methuen; Barnes and Nobles Books, 1950. Print.


Cox, James. Mark Twain: The Fate of Humor. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1966. Print.


Jones, Rogers. Thailand. London: Kuperard, 2003. Print


Tallon, Loic, and Kevin Walker. Digital Technologies and the Museum Experience: Handheld Guides and Other Media. Lanham: AltaMira Press, 2008. Print


William, Ian. Great Britain: David and Charles , 1970. Print.



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