Sunday, September 23, 2012

500 Word Essay of how our group put our paper together

Jonathon Gerry

English 191


            There were multiple procedures taken before our group was able to present our topic to the class. The topic our group members found most significant compared to all the others was “How to get a job.” I was lucky enough to be sitting next to somebody else in class with the same interest, Thanh Tran. Before Thanh Tran and I started typing up the presentation we first of all found out why we found this topic the most important. Donald Akroman didn’t really partake in the group until later on in class and was able to bring his interests and reasoning of why he chose this topic as well. After Thanh and I explained to each other of why we chose this topic, we took the following steps in putting this presentation together: The first step was why we wanted to present this to the class or what the goal was as well as the key points; second was choosing the key points we thought we could present well to the class; next was researching the topics we have chosen; and last was how we were going to put it together.  Each step had a crucial role in this paper and without one or the other, it would not have been a success.
            After coming together, Thanh and I asked ourselves what the goal was for our topic and what were key points that would help accomplish this goal. Our group all had a relative similar goal of why we wanted to present this to the class. Each one of our goals fell along the lines of “Getting a job is one of the most crucial points a human comes across in their life. By enabling the class with tips of how to get ahead of the game we will be able to help benefit their future.” The second part of this was picking out key points we thought were most significant of how to get a job. After several minutes of discussion we thought the following were the key to get a job: understanding you and researching the company, a cover letter, resume, and a thank you letter. Each one of these has a role in getting a job and should not be taken likely.

            After figuring out how our presentation would benefit the class and the steps to accomplishing it, we decided to split the topics up among the members of the group. The way we divided the topics out among the group was who we thought had the strongest idea or the best way to present it in the class. I covered the “understanding yourself and researching the company,” because it was I have had the most trouble with this in the pass with my previous experiences and wanted to emphasize the importance of why this step is crucial and how it can be easily skipped. Thanh covered the “resume” and “cover letter” because she had the most experience in writing both of these and was able to give a better guidance on how to type them up. Donald came in the end and wanted to discuss about the “thank you letter” because he was amazed of the meaning behind and wanted to explain to the class of its importance.

            The group didn’t really go far in depth concerning with cross referencing. I tried looking pass LEO to see why it was important to research the company and understanding yourself, but not a whole lost came out. I was able to find a couple internet sites that gave me a better understanding of why I wanted to research the company and how it could help me in more ways than one. The cross reference was able to tell me that researching the company was valuable in both finding a good fit for you, as well as preparing you for a further step in how to get a job, the interview. Thanh was able to use LEO for the most part, but wanted to show an example and a guideline of what a cover letter looks like instead of trying to explain it. Thanh was able to pull up a cover letter guideline she found online that had similarity to what hers were like in the pass. Donald came in at the last second and didn’t really have enough time to go too far into research, so he only used the LEO cite and was able to pull up major pointers of how to do it, when to do it, and why.

            After every one has done their fair share in the researching their own topics, it came down to the last question, and that was how we were going to present it in class. We tried dividing it out evenly and tried explaining to each other what each topic covered, but it wasn’t going so well. Each person knew more about their topics than the other, and there was little moment to spare till time was up. With little moments to spare we decided to cover the topics we researched because we had the best idea and background with the following areas. We finally got up to present and pulled it all together and hopefully got a pretty good grade on the presentation, considering we didn’t practice a speech, nor had time to revise the presentation.

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